We have been on a roller coaster for the last month with all the ups and downs in Betty’s treatment. Her pneumonia has finally cleared up which is a great relief. The herceptin drug she has been on since January has caused her heart to malfunction and we had to suspend the use of it for the last month. Today, we were told that her heart has become much improved over the last month and that we could resume the herceptin this afternoon. So, all very good news. Thank you for your continued prayers and concern for Betty.
We were at the hospital all day today for the test results and the IV drip, so we had a lot of time on our hands. As you may know, we are expecting our first grandchild in February. Our son Joshua and his wonderful wife Emily are the expectant parents. So today Betty said that Josh and Emily had not yet decided on a name for their little baby boy. I sense that maybe the children could use some help with this task. Betty was waiting to take her medicine, so I thought I would try to take her mind off of the situation and throw out some possible baby names. Some that I’ve been thinking about for a while. (Josh, you might want to print this out and keep it handy in case any of these spark an interest.) There are some great names out there for a little boy. But a name should have character and show strength to those who will hear it and use it. I told Betty that I have personally always liked the name David. I’m not totally for sure why, but it just has a familiar ring to it. King David was a powerful king and yet a kind boy. He was a poet, a statesman and a father. It’s a great role model to set for a child. I said to Betty, if David is too formal, then maybe they should consider the name Dave. It’s shorter and kind of jaunty. A good choice for a pleasant, amiable son. If casual is a desired trait in a name then maybe they should think about something like Davey. It has a great distinction about it, especially if combined with other familiar aliases such as Crockett! Now there’s a name! Davey Crockett Crain! With a name like that, you can be certain this kid’s gonna be known all over the place for something. If classy is what they are going for in a name, how about Davareno. Man, now there’s a name that just sparkles. I can see it up in lights! It’s electric! I was really on a roll with all these wonderful name possibilities when the nurse called Betty for her treatment. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen her run to take her medicine.
We’ve had a great day together, even if it was at the hospital, just rejoicing in God’s blessing and healing. Thank you for taking us to the Father and I invite you to rejoice with us in the answer to so many prayers. We are blessed and grateful. Love to all!
Davareno (Let me know Josh!)