David's Thoughts


Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012, 5:45 pm
We are praising God tonight for answered pray today.  Betty’s heart test today was good and we are able to take the medicine necessary to attack the tumor cells in her body.  We had so many friends praying for her today that it seemed God’s presence just hovered everywhere we went.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for your intercession.  We start the drug treatment tomorrow at 11:00 am.  This first session of chemo will last for four hours.  Betty will have one year of treatments at different stages during the year and then follow that up with radiation therapy.  It will be a long year, but we will go through it and thank God for his grace and comfort in it.  Thank you for reading and praying and sharing this blog with your friends.  We’ve heard from people all over and it’s great to know that so many folks have stood with us.  All the biopsies and surgeries and doctor visits have lead to this, the treatment phase.  We are glad to be here.  As we travel this new road, we will let you know from time to time how we are doing and give you our prayer concerns for Betty’s healing.  Healing is what we are praying for.  And as I pray, I realize that healing is really no big deal for God.  He created us from dirt.  We’re just walking mud packs man.  And some of us are packed a little tighter than others.  But what God made from dirt, he can surely fix.  How He chooses to fix some and not others is still a mystery to me.  I’ve told Him before that when I get to heaven, I have a lot of questions about some of these things.  He told me, that when I get to heaven, none of “these things” will matter anymore.  I like that!  Don’t miss the big “home coming” over there.  It’s gonna be great!  . 

This, I suppose, will be our last blog on the subject of discovering and fighting this terrible disease of cancer.  Not only because we’re moving on with treatment, but that Roman Numeral thing is really getting out of hand.  After XX, I’m just not totally sure of the I and V placement.  I know there’s a pattern in there somewhere, but I went to Grand Saline High School, and after we counted to 20 with any number system, we were adrift.  You know, once we had used all of our fingers and toes, we were pretty much in uncharted waters.  We had a kid who flunked shop due to an unfortunate skill saw accident, with only 9 toes and 8 fingers.  He was in trouble after 17!  Thank you again for all the love you’ve shown us.  Please continue to read the other blogs that I place weekly at our website.  They’re listed on the home page as “David’s Thoughts.”  And I realize that sometimes I don’t have as many thoughts as you’d think, but still, check with us and we’ll try to bring some truth with some fun into our writing.  God has a great sense of humor, don’t miss it.  Don’t let the world keep you from it.  Rejoice in it and enjoy His gifts to His children.  We love you all.  Thank you for loving us back!