Monday, Dec. 5
Betty felt up to traveling with me to N. Carolina to the Cove. On Saturday as we left, she had a slight sore throat. By the next morning, her mouth was broken out in a yeast infection from all the antibiotics she has been taking. We stopped at a clinic at a CVS pharmacy and got a doctor to write her a prescription. The doctor also said that eating yogurt would be good. Now, Betty doesn’t like yogurt. But, if the doctor says so. So we went to a huge Publix grocery store in Nashville to get yogurt. Now the last time I bought yogurt in Grand Saline, there was one choice. Danon. On rare occasion they might have some with fruit in the bottom. I think it was fruit. What color does yogurt turn when it’s bad? And how do you know it’s bad? Anyway, the Publix store in Nashville is apparently the national outlet for yogurt. Oh my! They had a whole freezer case dedicated to it. French yogurt, Greek yogurt, California yogurt! Betty wanted whatever tastes best. Actually she said whatever tastes the least worst. Yeah, I’m still trying to figure it out too. They didn’t have samples with little spoons or tiny containers to try, and since we were in a hurry, I said, “Get it all!” We filled up the buggy with yogurt! On our way to the check-out, we realized that yogurt has to be refrigerated. Other wise, it will go sour. Sour? It’s already sour! I guess there are degrees. So now we’re buying coolers and ice and spoons and paper towels. We look like an ice cream truck for senior citizens. We’ve been eating yogurt for three days now. The yeast infection is clearing up but we’re frowning an awful lot! The conference is great. The Cove is beautiful. Thank you Lord for a brief reprieve.
Betty has surgery scheduled for Friday, the 9th, at 9:30 am. If you would please lift her up to the Lord, we would hug you when we see you.