One step forward and two steps back! Our first visit, after surgery, to the surgeons’ office today was not as we expected. We were originally told that the lymph node that was removed probably did not contain cancer. They checked it during surgery and said that it looked negative for cancer cells. The lymph nodes are the first place the cancer cells will exit the breast to go to other parts of the body. Today they said the report on the lymph node was positive for cancer and that they discovered another tumor that had not shown up on any of the scans. That tumor had apparently attached itself to the skin on the inside of the breast. Now we have another surgery scheduled to remove more lymph nodes and cut away more skin to try and get all the cancer cells that we can. We must now recover from our last surgery in order that we can have another. We meet with more doctors on Wednesday. I don’t even know which doctors are which anymore. We just go from one to another and seem to get bad news from them all. Thank you for your continued prayers for Betty. She’s doing great and she looks beautiful. Today was her best day since the operation last Monday, then they loaded us up again. She’s a trooper. I feel like she has comforted me more than I have her. We’re in it together for the long haul. Thank you for standing with us to the Father. Keep checking on us here.